Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Message from Brew

Brew is Chris's 8 and a half month old Boxer. He is playful and full of energy, but at the end of the day loves to snuggle on your lap, even though he is way too big. If you have a frisbee and a couple of treats, he is one happy pup! He looks not so happy in this picture, Chris must have told him he is going to have to start sharing his toys soon....

15 Week Update

This week I am 15 weeks along (almost half way there!), so here is a little bit about how I am doing and how the baby is developing. 

This week in my life:
How far along: 15 weeks, 2 days
Maternity clothes: Not yet :)
Stretch Marks: NO! lets keep praying
Sleep: Cannot get enough of it
Best Moment this Week: Starting my baby blog :)
Miss Anything??: Margaritas!!
Movement: Not yet, but anxiously awaiting to feel some kicks
Food Cravings: Nothing particular yet
Anything make you sick: Dairy products
Gender: Won't know for another month (July 23rd!)
Symptoms: VERY tired
Mood: Happy :) :)
Looking Forward To: Finding out the gender!

This week in the baby's life:
The baby is the size of an apple!! The baby is squirming around a lot but is still too small for me to feel any movement. All of the arms and legs can move, and are starting to become proportionate to the body....exciting stuff!

Crumpet's Due Date!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Meet Crumpet!

When Chris and I found out I was pregnant it was a HUGE surprise to say the least. Life comes unexpectedly, and often times the best things go unplanned, this being a perfect example. 

I wish I decided to start a blog sooner, to share more of this experience and pictures of my growing belly, better time to start than the present. Since I am now starting, lets back track a little bit for some important milestones in my pregnancy.

Monday, June 4th Chris and I heard the baby's heartbeat. The heart rate was 171, and according to the doctor that is very strong and a good sign for a healthy baby. 

Speaking for myself, this is when it really hit me. I don't have a baby bump yet, and knock on wood have not been feeling any different than normal. I am more tired (who knew making a human being was so exhausting) but have not been getting the typical morning sickness, for which I am SO thankful, and I'm sure Chris is too. When we were able to hear the heart beat it was a moment that was so exciting and reminded us both "oh yeah, this is really happening."

Wednesday, June 6th Chris and I saw the baby during the first ultrasound. This is when the big surprise came, I was 12 weeks along instead of 6-8 weeks which the doctor initially thought. We were prepared to see a little dot on the screen and to our surprise there was a baby! Talk about too much excitement, we had a very exciting week, filled with incredible moments. This is when the doctor gave us the due date, December 20th. 

Something that was really special for me was that my mom came to the first ultrasound, as a surprise. It means the world to me that she came to support me and show that she was there for me, just as she has always been. For those who know my family, my mom and I are extremely close, she is my best friend. I was so glad that she came and was able to see her first grandchild!

A picture of the baby from the first ultrasound! June 6, 2012

Meet the Parents

Chris and I are so excited to have "crumpet" and start our family. Chris and I have been together since 2008, and even though his career in the Marine Corps and my time attending college took us in different directions, we have been together since the summer of 2011. 

Chris graduated from Framingham State, and I graduated from Providence College this May and are now living together in Norwood, Massachusetts. We live with Chris's boxer Brew, who is excited to be a big brother :)

Chris and I during formal night on our Caribbean cruise, March 2012

Chris and I at Providence College Senior Student Athlete Night
Dunkin Donuts Center, Providence, February 2012

Chris and I ringing in 2012!!
New Year's Eve, New York City

Our Modern Day Baby Book

I chose to write a blog (for the first time, so bear with me) so I can share this amazing and new journey with our friends and family around the world. With everyone in so many places and having so much going on, I thought that this would be a great way to stay in touch, and so even though we are all over the place, everyone can share in our experience.

My goal is to post at least once a week with where I am in the pregnancy, how the baby is developing, and how everything is going in our life.