Wednesday, June 27, 2012

15 Week Update

This week I am 15 weeks along (almost half way there!), so here is a little bit about how I am doing and how the baby is developing. 

This week in my life:
How far along: 15 weeks, 2 days
Maternity clothes: Not yet :)
Stretch Marks: NO! lets keep praying
Sleep: Cannot get enough of it
Best Moment this Week: Starting my baby blog :)
Miss Anything??: Margaritas!!
Movement: Not yet, but anxiously awaiting to feel some kicks
Food Cravings: Nothing particular yet
Anything make you sick: Dairy products
Gender: Won't know for another month (July 23rd!)
Symptoms: VERY tired
Mood: Happy :) :)
Looking Forward To: Finding out the gender!

This week in the baby's life:
The baby is the size of an apple!! The baby is squirming around a lot but is still too small for me to feel any movement. All of the arms and legs can move, and are starting to become proportionate to the body....exciting stuff!

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