Wednesday, October 31, 2012

33 Week Update

Big things happening, I'm early in posting this week!! 
We survived the hurricane, with only minor damage to our yard. We kept power the whole time and just had lots of rain and wind. I'm thinking of all my family & friends in Jersey, and glad to hear everyone is doing ok in the circumstances. 
 One of the best parts of the house was the fenced in back yard, and Hurricane Sandy took down the fence. Brew suffers the most on this one...

Chris graduated from the Massachusetts Fire Academy, he was in a special program run out of Brookline. I was such a proud mama! His first 24 hour shift is tonight, which means I have to be home alone, but most likely I will head up to hang out with Grammy Kiki. 

pictures of me & my handsome fire fighter!! 

Chris LOVES whiskey, so as a graduation gift I got him 4 (smaller) bottles to add to his liquor cabinet

Overall I am feeling really well, I wish I could let baby girl know that my ribs are not to be used as a jungle gym though...hopefully she learns soon! Sleep is still an issue, but thanks to a body pillow and about 8 other strategically placed pillows I'm making it through the night :)  I have an ultrasound tomorrow, so I will know more about the size and position of the baby then.

I can't believe how quickly everything is going by! 50 more days until my due date. Let's hope baby girl is a good listener and comes a few days early! 

My baby shower is this weekend! I can't wait to see all my friends and family, and I am hoping that everyone is able to safely make it! Those will be some great pictures to look forward to! 

I will update with the progress tomorrow after the ultrasound! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

32 Week Update

I am now 32 weeks pregnant, and took another little vacation from my blog, whoops! Things just seem to be getting so busy lately! I will update with pictures with the white board, but these will have to do for now :)

With that said, 58 days left until my due date!! This better be the quickest 58 days of my life, I'm pretty over being pregnant at this point in the game. 

Here are some pictures from my visit with my brother John, who is in Air Force Training at Norwich University. Norwich has a pretty intense first year training program, John can email, but only gets one 10 minute phone call a week, and can't leave campus except for holidays. We went up for family weekend where we got to see his campus and some of the training he has been doing. His favorite part (aside from seeing us) was eating real food, wearing normal clothes, and not having to march everywhere we went. 
Thankfully Baby Girl is due while John will be home for winter break, so he will get to meet her once she arrives!

Amah (baby girls great-amah) John, Papa (great-papa), Bobby & me

Grammy Kiki, Amah, John, Papa, Bobby & me

Me, John and Bobby

Overall I am still doing really well, minus the aches and pains and not sleeping well. I miss the days when I could have slept for 18 hours, now I'm lucky if I sleep two hours at a time! And I'm starting to waddle, which is super fun! I was hoping I wouldn't have to invest in any maternity clothing, but I might have to buy some clothes a few sizes up, just so I can fit in them for the winter months. I'm still obsessed with leggings and yoga pants, and consider myself the luckiest person on the planet I get to wear them to work everyday. Time to hit up the outlets or TJ Max! 

I had an ultrasound a few weeks ago, and baby girl is measuring a week bigger than average. Unfortunately this just means I will have a big baby, not that she will come a week earlier, but we can keep our fingers crossed! Also, her head is down, she still has some wiggle room so that could change, but they are all good signs! 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I'm Back!! 28 Week Update

I'm back after a long hiatus. I apologize for not updating sooner for those of you who check regularly, things have been VERY busy. I promise to do better :) 

excuse my appearance, I came from cheerleading practice...

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain: +11 pounds
Maternity clothes? I'm wearing mostly leggings now but can still wear my regular shirts
Stretch marks? none!
Sleep: I look back at the days when I could sleep soundly with envy. I'm tossing and turning a lot, trying to find a comfortable way to sleep. I'm hot and cold, and wake up to pee quite frequently. Sometimes I have to get up and move around just because she is kicking so much. 
Best moment this week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat at my monthly doctors appointment
Miss Anything? Have I mentioned Pumpkin Head beer yet?
Movement: lots!
Food cravings: fruit and sweets....still
Anything making you queasy or sick: just the cold i am fighting off right now :(
Gender: Girl 
Labor Signs: None, still too early
Symptoms: aches in my lower back, and some general discomfort due to the growing human inside me
Belly Button in or out? in, but it gets flat depending on how baby girl is moving. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: could not be happier! Its fall, I wear yoga pants to work every day and its getting closer to my due date! Sometimes I need a time out when I start to cry watching say yes to the dress, or just call up Grammy Kiki when I am feeling sensitive. 
Looking forward to: being that lady who paints her tummy like a pumpkin for halloween and taking cute baby bump pictures!!!

Chris and I have been busy starting to plan our wedding. Nothing to crazy yet, just looking at venues and trying to figure out exactly what we want, and since we have the same taste and agree on everything its really easy....not! We are having fun with it though, thats what it is all about. 

I have also made the transition from working full time to being a stay at home mom for Brew. I work from home for half the week now, and coach cheerleading/run a kids program at a local gym the rest of the week. Brew loves that I am a stay at home mom now, he gets to go for lots of walks and always has some company. I love it because I can wear yoga pants everyday. I'm excited about this new routine, and so is Chris since dinner is ready when he gets home from the Fire Academy. Unfortunately now I have time to branch out of my 5 recipe comfort zone and try new things, which arent always keepers.

We also took our pre-natal class at Saint Elizabeths Hospital in Boston, where I will be delivering. Some of the information was helpful, but I could have done without the partner breathing exercises, Chris and I were the only couple laughing the whole time. We couldn't even look at each other!! I'm sure it will be helpful, but we just couldnt take it seriously sitting in a class with 10 other couples. My favorite part was the tour of the hospital, it is nice knowing where I will be going in to and have it be somewhat familiar.