Wednesday, October 24, 2012

32 Week Update

I am now 32 weeks pregnant, and took another little vacation from my blog, whoops! Things just seem to be getting so busy lately! I will update with pictures with the white board, but these will have to do for now :)

With that said, 58 days left until my due date!! This better be the quickest 58 days of my life, I'm pretty over being pregnant at this point in the game. 

Here are some pictures from my visit with my brother John, who is in Air Force Training at Norwich University. Norwich has a pretty intense first year training program, John can email, but only gets one 10 minute phone call a week, and can't leave campus except for holidays. We went up for family weekend where we got to see his campus and some of the training he has been doing. His favorite part (aside from seeing us) was eating real food, wearing normal clothes, and not having to march everywhere we went. 
Thankfully Baby Girl is due while John will be home for winter break, so he will get to meet her once she arrives!

Amah (baby girls great-amah) John, Papa (great-papa), Bobby & me

Grammy Kiki, Amah, John, Papa, Bobby & me

Me, John and Bobby

Overall I am still doing really well, minus the aches and pains and not sleeping well. I miss the days when I could have slept for 18 hours, now I'm lucky if I sleep two hours at a time! And I'm starting to waddle, which is super fun! I was hoping I wouldn't have to invest in any maternity clothing, but I might have to buy some clothes a few sizes up, just so I can fit in them for the winter months. I'm still obsessed with leggings and yoga pants, and consider myself the luckiest person on the planet I get to wear them to work everyday. Time to hit up the outlets or TJ Max! 

I had an ultrasound a few weeks ago, and baby girl is measuring a week bigger than average. Unfortunately this just means I will have a big baby, not that she will come a week earlier, but we can keep our fingers crossed! Also, her head is down, she still has some wiggle room so that could change, but they are all good signs! 

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