Wednesday, October 31, 2012

33 Week Update

Big things happening, I'm early in posting this week!! 
We survived the hurricane, with only minor damage to our yard. We kept power the whole time and just had lots of rain and wind. I'm thinking of all my family & friends in Jersey, and glad to hear everyone is doing ok in the circumstances. 
 One of the best parts of the house was the fenced in back yard, and Hurricane Sandy took down the fence. Brew suffers the most on this one...

Chris graduated from the Massachusetts Fire Academy, he was in a special program run out of Brookline. I was such a proud mama! His first 24 hour shift is tonight, which means I have to be home alone, but most likely I will head up to hang out with Grammy Kiki. 

pictures of me & my handsome fire fighter!! 

Chris LOVES whiskey, so as a graduation gift I got him 4 (smaller) bottles to add to his liquor cabinet

Overall I am feeling really well, I wish I could let baby girl know that my ribs are not to be used as a jungle gym though...hopefully she learns soon! Sleep is still an issue, but thanks to a body pillow and about 8 other strategically placed pillows I'm making it through the night :)  I have an ultrasound tomorrow, so I will know more about the size and position of the baby then.

I can't believe how quickly everything is going by! 50 more days until my due date. Let's hope baby girl is a good listener and comes a few days early! 

My baby shower is this weekend! I can't wait to see all my friends and family, and I am hoping that everyone is able to safely make it! Those will be some great pictures to look forward to! 

I will update with the progress tomorrow after the ultrasound! 

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