Thursday, September 13, 2012

BIG things are happening!

First off, I apologize for the lack of updates (week 26 is coming soon!) Chris and I have had a very exciting week!

CHRIS AND I ARE ENGAGED! I could not be happier, or in more shock! Marriage was never a discussion we had, we had made jokes, in typical Chris and Kelsey fashion, but it was just wasn't on the radar at this point in our lives, or so I thought. Here is our engagement story:

Chris had lured me to his parents house, with the promise of dinner after work on Friday, September 7. Once I got to the house, he suggested we take Brew for a walk. I was not loving the idea, I just drove an hour from work and wanted to sit and relax, but he convinced me to go. We went to Elm Bank, in Wellesley, just down the road from his parents. We walk Brew there pretty often, there are lots of trails and open fields he loves to run in, and it goes along the Charles River into Boston, so Brew can go for a swim too. Its a great spot to go walk, and is one of our favorite places to go. We were walking on the trail, and stopped to let Brew play in the water. We were standing there talking about what a cute "baby boy" we have, and next thing you know Chris goes "so Kelsey..." and is down on one knee asking me to marry him. I think I said "no way" about 8 times before I finally said yes, but I couldn't be happier to be marrying my best friend. 

The ring is absolutely stunning. Chris had asked for my mom's blessing quite a while ago, and she had offered to give him the stone from her wedding ring to have re-set into mine. They were so sneaky getting this past me! Chris used a diamond from my moms ring, and added it into the setting he designed for my ring. I really got a good one! Everyone knows how sentimental I am, and having the diamond that my dad gave to my mom in my wedding ring is one of the most special things in the world. I wish more than anything that my dad were here to share in this exciting time in our lives, but as my brother Johnny said, "dad would be so proud and he would approve of Chris" Having this ring means so much, of all the wonderful memories love creates, and of all the wonderful memories that have yet to be created. 

excuse my fat pregnant lady fingers

Holy crap, I couldn't believe it, and I still can't!! A baby on the way and a wedding to plan, we will have a busy house! 2012 has been such an incredible year for both of us, and we are so excited for all the new adventures that 2013 holds for us. Looking back at this time last year, I could never imagine all the amazing blessings that life would have given me, I am so thankful and grateful for how lucky I am. 

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