Friday, September 7, 2012

Week 24 & 25 Update

Sorry for the late post! Pictures are to come later today or tomorrow I promise! I am now 25 weeks, we had a crazy busy labor day weekend, so sorry for the delay! 104 days to go!

How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain: +7 pounds
Maternity clothes? Wearing some jeans & leggings, but still in my regular clothes. I can't wait for fall to wear sweaters!
Stretch marks? none yet, mama mio lotion is holding up!
Sleep: Unfortunately my beloved sleep has begun to get interrupted with jabs to my ribs. Baby girl is always more active at night, but lately I've been getting woken up by her movement. I can no longer sleep on my stomach, so I wake up to switch from side to side when one arm falls asleep or I start to get uncomfortable, not to mention the trips to the bathroom. 
Best moment this week: Starting to actually look and feel pregnant, its been some time coming, but I get really excited about my growing bump!
Miss Anything? Seasonal Beers, I can't even count the number of Shipyard Pumpkin head displays that are taunting me, especially with fall and football season coming up.
Movement: starting to get stronger and feel more of it during the day
Food cravings: fruit and sweets....still
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing (knock on wood!!)
Gender: Girl 
Labor Signs: None, still too early
Symptoms: aches in my lower back, and some general discomfort due to the growing human inside me
Belly Button in or out? in, but it is beginning to get mysterious 
Happy or Moody most of the time: could not be happier! Sometimes I need a time out when I start to cry, or just call up Grammy Kiki when I am feeling sensitive. 
Looking forward to: starting to get the nursery put together!

This week in the life of baby girl.....(24 Weeks)
She is now about the size of an ear of corn: measuring around 12 inches long and weighing a little over 1 pound. In the coming weeks, your baby will continue to grow and mature at a fast rate, gaining about 6 ounces of weight a week. Her brain is growing rapidly, and her taste buds are developing. She is pretty lean at 24 weeks, but she'll soon be putting on some "baby fat" to fill out her frame and wrinkled skin, which is due to the lack of subcutaneous fat. She has begun to develop white blood cells. These cells are responsible for fighting off disease and infection. Her lungs develop branches this week, and her inner ear is completely developed. In fact, she has basic control over all of her senses: hearing, touch, taste, smell, and vision! 

This week in the life of baby girl.....(25 Weeks)
Just in time for football season, baby girl is about the size of a football! As she gains weight, her skin begins to become less wrinkled and she begins to look more, and more like a newborn. Also, her skin is finally gaining some color. Her hands are fully developed by this week, fingerprints and all! And at 25 weeks, the structure of the spine is beginning to form (33 rings, 150 joints, and 1000 ligaments)!

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