Thursday, July 26, 2012

Spoiled Baby Girl

Tonight I went to dinner with one of my best girl friends Kendall, and she brought me some great gifts for baby girl!! AND they are owls, what could be better!! Baby girl is getting spoiled and she hasn't even arrived yet!

Baby book! Now I can finally start putting together baby girl's baby book! This one Kendall picked up from the Hallmark store. Its so great, and has so many pages to record things I never would have thought. The pages are set up like a scrapbook, so this will be amazing to keep and look back on as she grows up. It will also make for so many more awesome blog post ideas!!

An owl dress, owl tights, an owl purse with a matching stuffed animal inside, and little owl book! 
All these goodies for baby girl Kendall got at Crazy 8 at Legacy Place in Dedham. (

The dress and stockings are 3-6 month size, so they will be perfect for baby girl in the spring time and summer! Leave it to Kendall to plan ahead, since we will be overwhelmed with newborn sized clothes, gotta love having a nanny has a best friend! I was thinking the stockings might even work perfect in the winter under a onesie or dress, depending on how big baby girl gets. Pictures to come in 5 months...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

18 Week Ultrasound Pictures

Here are some pictures from the ultrasound at 18 weeks

profile of baby girl

baby girl sucking her thumb!

another shot of baby girl sucking her thumb

a picture of the head, looking towards the camera. She looks like a deamon baby here, but I'm sure she will be adorable when we finally meet her :)

18 Week Update


Chris and I could not be more excited to announce to our family and friends that we are having a baby girl! We had our ultrasound on Monday, and the ultrasound tech was able to tell us the gender of the baby. I will be out buying cute dresses and shoes, while Chris will be out buying guns so she will never have a boyfriend. Brew is excited to have a little sister!! The doctor said she was healthy and growing normally, which is even better news. Names are still being discussed, but we will share once we know. 

I am still feeling great, at times I have an uncomfortable "full" feeling, but I suppose if that is the worst I've had up until now I'll take it. The position of the baby and the placenta makes it hard for me to feel her moving around, its perfectly fine and won't interfere with the baby's development. From the looks of how much she was moving around on the ultrasound, it may even be a blessing in disguise. I am still able to go for walks with Chris and Brew and keep up, and we are going to try to go hiking this weekend!

Baby girl is the size of a sweet potato this week, and is super active! The baby's hearing is stronger now, and can hear what is happening outside the womb. Chris talks to her sometimes, but maybe we will try playing music or reading, but for now we have her listening to the Red Sox games. Her heartbeat was strong, at about 155 beats, and she is about 5 inches and 8 oz.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

17 Week Update

17 Weeks! Will baby be a boy or a girl??

Only four more days until Chris and I find out if we will be having a boy or a girl and we cannot wait!! We will share the news with everyone, I can't keep any sort of secret, let alone a big one like this!! 

Things are all starting to move pretty quickly, including the baby! I'm feeling lots of movement and my belly is growing. I am still feeling great throughout my pregnancy, if it wasn't for my growing belly I would feel the same! I have not been getting sick or having any discomfort, and I can still sleep on my stomach (hooray!) Yesterday marked a sad day in my pregnant life, I had to take out my belly button ring, in my head I kept saying, good-bye spring break body! Good thing I can still fit into my clothes! That will be another ordeal and I hope Chris is prepared to handle me :) 

I have a lot of fun making the white board, but does anyone have any suggestions for taking the pictures? I can't seem to get the lighting right. 

This week the baby is the size of an onion, and is 5 inches long and 5 ounces (an estimate, thanks to The bones are hardening from cartilage into bones, and it is gaining more weight. The baby also has fingerprints that are distinct now!  

Sorry for the late update, but check back at the beginning of next week for some big news!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Feeling some movement!

I have been so anxious about feeling the baby start to move lately. I will be 18 weeks on Thursday (I will post a 17 week picture before that! Dont worry) and it felt like everything I had been reading said the baby should be moving. I wasn't worried anything was wrong, just anxious that I was going to miss the feeling or something, must be crazy pregnancy hormones! Today for the first time I felt some movement and kicks in there!! Very exciting stuff is happening and I am so excited to share it with you all! :)

This is a big week in our little family!! I felt the baby move for the first time today, and yesterday Chris was offered a full time position as a fire fighter for a local town. Today is my Grandpa Flanagan's (my dad's dad) birthday, and it just goes to show what amazing angels we have looking down on our family!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Making Some Adjustments...

I found it from another baby blog ( which has given me a lot of inspiration for my blog, she has really awesome and creative ideas!

16 Week Favorites

Its been a slow day at work, all of my Relay for Life events are over, which means I am dividing my time between actual work for next seasons events and Pinterest. Thanks to my pinterest obsession I have decorated 8 nurseries and have a 'to-do list' of crafts that is longer than my to-do list at my actual job....its a beautiful thing. Anyway, I decided why not post some more blog updates, I'd really love to get more involved and share a lot with everyone. Once we start picking out decorations, getting the nursery set up, and shopping (the best part!), there will be many more posts to follow. 

My favorite pregnancy things as of 16 weeks:

Mama Mio products: I absolutely LOVE the mama mio pregnancy collection. I have the BBB (Beaudacious, Bountiful and Bouncy) Kit, which I picked up to try out a few of the products. My cousin had recommended these products to me, and I love them. They are all natural and were created by four women, so they know exactly what pregnant ladies needed to have their skin stretch 40 inches in 40 weeks, which is a terrifying thought. The kit was a bit pricy, about $80 for the three products, but no price is too high for no stretch marks. The tummy rub oil smells amazing and doesn't leave you feeling oily (Brew also loves the smell and follows me around after I put it on). The 'Boob Tube' is great, but I'm more in love with the name, can you blame me? I like the balm but I don't use it as often, the next one I am going to try is the tummy rub butter!

Pink Lemonade & Root Beer: Drinking 8 glasses of water a day is actually harder than I thought. I just always assumed I did, since I do drink a lot of water, but now that I am making a conscious effort, it kinda sucks. Ice tea would normally be my go to drink, but unfortunately I have to cut back on caffeine (a little is ok) so pink leomande and root beer have become nice alternatives. I have never been a soda drinker, but root beer isn't bad, and honestly sometimes water wants to make me gag after that many glasses.  

To Go Cups: Still on the topic of beverages, these cups are awesome. No they arent' a new fad and yes they are great for the environment on top of being practical, but when you are constantly drinking they come in handy, plus who wants to reuse water bottles 28 times a day. This is actually a picture of the one I have too!

Prenatal Yoga:I started a prenatal yoga work out last weekend. Since I won't be doing much of this (yes this is really me):

I will be doing more of this: 

Chris's mom bought me a great prenatal yoga dvd so my goal is to try to do it every other day. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Crumpet's First Book!

I love owls, for some random unknown reason, I just love them. We are thinking of decorating the nursery with owls in trees, and lately have been finding lots of cute owl toys, decorations and stuffed animals. Chris brought home a book for the baby last month after the first ultrasound, Little Owl's Night. It is perfect for the baby's first book!

My favorite book as a baby was "Goodnight Moon"
Chris's favorite book as a baby was "A Fly Went By"
We will definitely have to add these to the baby's library!!

16 Week Update

112 days down, 166 to go! 
Chris wanted to help be part of the project, so he helped decorate the board this week! Maybe I'll even get him to do a blog post, but we are taking baby steps. 

Not many changes to report from last week, still anxiously awaiting to feel the baby move, I thought there were some close calls, which led to Chris and I siting with our hands on my stomach for about ten minutes...but no kicks felt. 

I started doing a prenatal yoga workout to try to stay in shape during the pregnancy, no more backflips and tumbling for a while! Chris and I have been walking Brew every night also, we try to do a mile loop through the center of Norwood. Tonight while we were walking we stopped on the commons and listened to a band for a little bit.

This week the baby is the size of an avocado. It can hear our voices now, so Chris likes to talk to the baby which is quite funny hearing him say "hello in there!!" The baby is also growing hair, eye lashes and eyebrows, and also has taste buds!