Wednesday, July 25, 2012

18 Week Update


Chris and I could not be more excited to announce to our family and friends that we are having a baby girl! We had our ultrasound on Monday, and the ultrasound tech was able to tell us the gender of the baby. I will be out buying cute dresses and shoes, while Chris will be out buying guns so she will never have a boyfriend. Brew is excited to have a little sister!! The doctor said she was healthy and growing normally, which is even better news. Names are still being discussed, but we will share once we know. 

I am still feeling great, at times I have an uncomfortable "full" feeling, but I suppose if that is the worst I've had up until now I'll take it. The position of the baby and the placenta makes it hard for me to feel her moving around, its perfectly fine and won't interfere with the baby's development. From the looks of how much she was moving around on the ultrasound, it may even be a blessing in disguise. I am still able to go for walks with Chris and Brew and keep up, and we are going to try to go hiking this weekend!

Baby girl is the size of a sweet potato this week, and is super active! The baby's hearing is stronger now, and can hear what is happening outside the womb. Chris talks to her sometimes, but maybe we will try playing music or reading, but for now we have her listening to the Red Sox games. Her heartbeat was strong, at about 155 beats, and she is about 5 inches and 8 oz.


  1. oh geeze Im going to have to teach this girl how to like the Mets arent I! Dont worry there are tons of cute Mets outfits for girls. She will have all of them :)

  2. My pregnancy the placenta was in the front too, once the baby gets bigger you will feel it move just like if the placenta wasn't there. My first pregnancy the placenta wasn't in the front so I felt a lot more movement in the beginning, but it was the same as the baby got bigger.
