Friday, August 3, 2012

20 Week Update (Halfway There!!)

20 weeks and I have finally hit the half way mark! 

I do realize I skipped 19 weeks, last week was pretty busy, and earlier this week Chris was officially appointed at a town meeting by the Board of Selectman as a Fire Fighter. I was a little distracted, and so now I went right to 20 weeks, not much has changed anyway. 

Baby girl and I are still doing great, I feel so lucky to have had such an easy pregnancy up until this point (knock on wood!!!) I can still sleep on my stomach but I'm worried I will crush her if I do (I know this is silly). I still have my achy moments, but I have been trying to stretch more and keep up with my walks with Chris. I have fallen behind on my yoga regiment, but I am trying really hard to make it part of my routine. Sometimes at the end of the day, I want to sit on my couch and eat oreos, not do yoga. I'm pregnant, so I've been indulging myself a little bit. But, I made a commitment that I was going to do it, and I am determined to stay healthy and keep up with working out so I am really going to make more of an effort. I really do miss tumbling and cheerleading workouts, and cannot wait to get back into the gym. I have found a great "Mommy and Me" Tumbling class at a local all star cheerleading gym and I can't wait to go with baby girl! At the ultrasound it looked as though she was doing back flips, she could not stay maybe I have a future PC Cheerleader :) or olympic gold medalist...I'll settle for either. 

 Other than my horrific shopping experience in Babies R Us (which I promise to never complain about again, last time I swear), things are going pretty well, and I have started a mental to-do list for what needs to be done for the baby. Now that we have hit the half way point, Chris and I are beginning to buckle down and try to get stuff done. We have set a deadline of Thanksgiving to have the nursery completely finished (honestly if it is painted and somewhat organized I will be thrilled) but we are aiming for the majority of the work to be done. I plan on doing a blog post of some nurseries that have me inspired, so watch for that! Like I said, I completely take back everything I said about owls, I want a neutral girly nursery with owl accents. I have already started collecting some, and I will post pictures soon! 

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