Friday, August 3, 2012

Baby Registry

Whoever said registering for the baby was the best part is sadly mistaken. After an overwhelming trip to Babies R Us Chris and I came to the conclusion that baby girl can share Brew's toys and his dog bed, since he rarely uses it anyways. Needless to say, starting our registry did not go so well, and we were clearly unprepared. 

One a positive note, we picked out a gorgeous nursery set and realized an owl themed nursery is not the way we want to go. I was so thrilled to have a baby girl because I am one of the girl-iest people I know. However, everything that was for "baby girl" was too much pink, too many butterflies and flowers, and just so far from what we both envisioned for a nursery. I take back everything I said about having an owl theme nursery. Chris and I are going to use light tans (maybe soft yellows) and pinks as a color scheme, and have owl accents in her room (maybe a wall decal, as long as we both don't hate it...wish me luck) As well as stuffed animals and some cute framed photographs. 

The trip was not a complete fail, as I said, we realized we want a very neutral but subtly girly nursery for baby girl, and picked out the nursery furniture we wanted which I am absolutely in love with and will look great with soft colors. 

If I wasn't so in love with baby girl already, I would offer her to the woman who created I honestly do not know how any woman registers for a new baby without using it, and serious props go out to the ones who did it on their are a better woman than I. Who knew there were 8 different types of car seat stroller combinations and each one was 'essential' to the life and safety of your baby?! That is how everything seemed!! Lucie's List is great breaking down what you need, why you need it and having different price point options for new mamas like me who need their hand held through this process.

With a disastrous trip out of the way, and realizing I do not need a different car seat for every month until she is old enough to drive (thanks to lucieslist) I am ready to brave Babies R Us once more, but this time I am going in with re-enforcement.  My cousin, who is a super mama-to-be is accompanying me this weekend, (after bribing her with a manicure and lunch before hand) and helping me navigate the baby registry. If we weren't both having girls around the same time, I would just copy everything off her registry, but I suppose its time to be a big girl and figure this out. Hopefully this trip goes better, if not, I'm not 100% kidding about baby girl having to share Brew's toys. 

For those of my friends that are reading this, I have really put my organizing to a whole new obsessive level for this trip...yup, I made a folder of what I wanted/needed (to include pictures and pink file dividers). 

I have my plan of attack and nothing will get in my way. I'm blaming this on crazy pregnancy hormones...thank goodness Chris is away at a Hockey Reffing Clinic all weekend or I may scare him away. 

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