Wednesday, October 31, 2012

33 Week Update

Big things happening, I'm early in posting this week!! 
We survived the hurricane, with only minor damage to our yard. We kept power the whole time and just had lots of rain and wind. I'm thinking of all my family & friends in Jersey, and glad to hear everyone is doing ok in the circumstances. 
 One of the best parts of the house was the fenced in back yard, and Hurricane Sandy took down the fence. Brew suffers the most on this one...

Chris graduated from the Massachusetts Fire Academy, he was in a special program run out of Brookline. I was such a proud mama! His first 24 hour shift is tonight, which means I have to be home alone, but most likely I will head up to hang out with Grammy Kiki. 

pictures of me & my handsome fire fighter!! 

Chris LOVES whiskey, so as a graduation gift I got him 4 (smaller) bottles to add to his liquor cabinet

Overall I am feeling really well, I wish I could let baby girl know that my ribs are not to be used as a jungle gym though...hopefully she learns soon! Sleep is still an issue, but thanks to a body pillow and about 8 other strategically placed pillows I'm making it through the night :)  I have an ultrasound tomorrow, so I will know more about the size and position of the baby then.

I can't believe how quickly everything is going by! 50 more days until my due date. Let's hope baby girl is a good listener and comes a few days early! 

My baby shower is this weekend! I can't wait to see all my friends and family, and I am hoping that everyone is able to safely make it! Those will be some great pictures to look forward to! 

I will update with the progress tomorrow after the ultrasound! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

32 Week Update

I am now 32 weeks pregnant, and took another little vacation from my blog, whoops! Things just seem to be getting so busy lately! I will update with pictures with the white board, but these will have to do for now :)

With that said, 58 days left until my due date!! This better be the quickest 58 days of my life, I'm pretty over being pregnant at this point in the game. 

Here are some pictures from my visit with my brother John, who is in Air Force Training at Norwich University. Norwich has a pretty intense first year training program, John can email, but only gets one 10 minute phone call a week, and can't leave campus except for holidays. We went up for family weekend where we got to see his campus and some of the training he has been doing. His favorite part (aside from seeing us) was eating real food, wearing normal clothes, and not having to march everywhere we went. 
Thankfully Baby Girl is due while John will be home for winter break, so he will get to meet her once she arrives!

Amah (baby girls great-amah) John, Papa (great-papa), Bobby & me

Grammy Kiki, Amah, John, Papa, Bobby & me

Me, John and Bobby

Overall I am still doing really well, minus the aches and pains and not sleeping well. I miss the days when I could have slept for 18 hours, now I'm lucky if I sleep two hours at a time! And I'm starting to waddle, which is super fun! I was hoping I wouldn't have to invest in any maternity clothing, but I might have to buy some clothes a few sizes up, just so I can fit in them for the winter months. I'm still obsessed with leggings and yoga pants, and consider myself the luckiest person on the planet I get to wear them to work everyday. Time to hit up the outlets or TJ Max! 

I had an ultrasound a few weeks ago, and baby girl is measuring a week bigger than average. Unfortunately this just means I will have a big baby, not that she will come a week earlier, but we can keep our fingers crossed! Also, her head is down, she still has some wiggle room so that could change, but they are all good signs! 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I'm Back!! 28 Week Update

I'm back after a long hiatus. I apologize for not updating sooner for those of you who check regularly, things have been VERY busy. I promise to do better :) 

excuse my appearance, I came from cheerleading practice...

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain: +11 pounds
Maternity clothes? I'm wearing mostly leggings now but can still wear my regular shirts
Stretch marks? none!
Sleep: I look back at the days when I could sleep soundly with envy. I'm tossing and turning a lot, trying to find a comfortable way to sleep. I'm hot and cold, and wake up to pee quite frequently. Sometimes I have to get up and move around just because she is kicking so much. 
Best moment this week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat at my monthly doctors appointment
Miss Anything? Have I mentioned Pumpkin Head beer yet?
Movement: lots!
Food cravings: fruit and sweets....still
Anything making you queasy or sick: just the cold i am fighting off right now :(
Gender: Girl 
Labor Signs: None, still too early
Symptoms: aches in my lower back, and some general discomfort due to the growing human inside me
Belly Button in or out? in, but it gets flat depending on how baby girl is moving. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: could not be happier! Its fall, I wear yoga pants to work every day and its getting closer to my due date! Sometimes I need a time out when I start to cry watching say yes to the dress, or just call up Grammy Kiki when I am feeling sensitive. 
Looking forward to: being that lady who paints her tummy like a pumpkin for halloween and taking cute baby bump pictures!!!

Chris and I have been busy starting to plan our wedding. Nothing to crazy yet, just looking at venues and trying to figure out exactly what we want, and since we have the same taste and agree on everything its really easy....not! We are having fun with it though, thats what it is all about. 

I have also made the transition from working full time to being a stay at home mom for Brew. I work from home for half the week now, and coach cheerleading/run a kids program at a local gym the rest of the week. Brew loves that I am a stay at home mom now, he gets to go for lots of walks and always has some company. I love it because I can wear yoga pants everyday. I'm excited about this new routine, and so is Chris since dinner is ready when he gets home from the Fire Academy. Unfortunately now I have time to branch out of my 5 recipe comfort zone and try new things, which arent always keepers.

We also took our pre-natal class at Saint Elizabeths Hospital in Boston, where I will be delivering. Some of the information was helpful, but I could have done without the partner breathing exercises, Chris and I were the only couple laughing the whole time. We couldn't even look at each other!! I'm sure it will be helpful, but we just couldnt take it seriously sitting in a class with 10 other couples. My favorite part was the tour of the hospital, it is nice knowing where I will be going in to and have it be somewhat familiar. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Baby Girl Swag

Yup, its time for another post about all the cute things I'm getting for baby girl! I blame Grammy Kiki!!

From Grammy Kiki, possibly one of the cutest pairs of shoes ever!! 
They are 3-9 months size from Carters. 

More shoes! The pink booties are from Catie, one of my college roommates, and the pink flats and blue uggs are from Grammy Kiki

From Grammy Kiki, a GUESS rain jacket. I'm waiting for one in my size

From Catie, these outfits came all the way from the Hamptons in a care package from Catie, my college roommate. I cannot get over how friggen cute the pants are with the cupcake on the bum! Baby girl has many nick names, and Catie calls her cupcake, so these are even more perfect! (they are from Carter's)

BIG things are happening!

First off, I apologize for the lack of updates (week 26 is coming soon!) Chris and I have had a very exciting week!

CHRIS AND I ARE ENGAGED! I could not be happier, or in more shock! Marriage was never a discussion we had, we had made jokes, in typical Chris and Kelsey fashion, but it was just wasn't on the radar at this point in our lives, or so I thought. Here is our engagement story:

Chris had lured me to his parents house, with the promise of dinner after work on Friday, September 7. Once I got to the house, he suggested we take Brew for a walk. I was not loving the idea, I just drove an hour from work and wanted to sit and relax, but he convinced me to go. We went to Elm Bank, in Wellesley, just down the road from his parents. We walk Brew there pretty often, there are lots of trails and open fields he loves to run in, and it goes along the Charles River into Boston, so Brew can go for a swim too. Its a great spot to go walk, and is one of our favorite places to go. We were walking on the trail, and stopped to let Brew play in the water. We were standing there talking about what a cute "baby boy" we have, and next thing you know Chris goes "so Kelsey..." and is down on one knee asking me to marry him. I think I said "no way" about 8 times before I finally said yes, but I couldn't be happier to be marrying my best friend. 

The ring is absolutely stunning. Chris had asked for my mom's blessing quite a while ago, and she had offered to give him the stone from her wedding ring to have re-set into mine. They were so sneaky getting this past me! Chris used a diamond from my moms ring, and added it into the setting he designed for my ring. I really got a good one! Everyone knows how sentimental I am, and having the diamond that my dad gave to my mom in my wedding ring is one of the most special things in the world. I wish more than anything that my dad were here to share in this exciting time in our lives, but as my brother Johnny said, "dad would be so proud and he would approve of Chris" Having this ring means so much, of all the wonderful memories love creates, and of all the wonderful memories that have yet to be created. 

excuse my fat pregnant lady fingers

Holy crap, I couldn't believe it, and I still can't!! A baby on the way and a wedding to plan, we will have a busy house! 2012 has been such an incredible year for both of us, and we are so excited for all the new adventures that 2013 holds for us. Looking back at this time last year, I could never imagine all the amazing blessings that life would have given me, I am so thankful and grateful for how lucky I am. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Week 24 & 25 Update

Sorry for the late post! Pictures are to come later today or tomorrow I promise! I am now 25 weeks, we had a crazy busy labor day weekend, so sorry for the delay! 104 days to go!

How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain: +7 pounds
Maternity clothes? Wearing some jeans & leggings, but still in my regular clothes. I can't wait for fall to wear sweaters!
Stretch marks? none yet, mama mio lotion is holding up!
Sleep: Unfortunately my beloved sleep has begun to get interrupted with jabs to my ribs. Baby girl is always more active at night, but lately I've been getting woken up by her movement. I can no longer sleep on my stomach, so I wake up to switch from side to side when one arm falls asleep or I start to get uncomfortable, not to mention the trips to the bathroom. 
Best moment this week: Starting to actually look and feel pregnant, its been some time coming, but I get really excited about my growing bump!
Miss Anything? Seasonal Beers, I can't even count the number of Shipyard Pumpkin head displays that are taunting me, especially with fall and football season coming up.
Movement: starting to get stronger and feel more of it during the day
Food cravings: fruit and sweets....still
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing (knock on wood!!)
Gender: Girl 
Labor Signs: None, still too early
Symptoms: aches in my lower back, and some general discomfort due to the growing human inside me
Belly Button in or out? in, but it is beginning to get mysterious 
Happy or Moody most of the time: could not be happier! Sometimes I need a time out when I start to cry, or just call up Grammy Kiki when I am feeling sensitive. 
Looking forward to: starting to get the nursery put together!

This week in the life of baby girl.....(24 Weeks)
She is now about the size of an ear of corn: measuring around 12 inches long and weighing a little over 1 pound. In the coming weeks, your baby will continue to grow and mature at a fast rate, gaining about 6 ounces of weight a week. Her brain is growing rapidly, and her taste buds are developing. She is pretty lean at 24 weeks, but she'll soon be putting on some "baby fat" to fill out her frame and wrinkled skin, which is due to the lack of subcutaneous fat. She has begun to develop white blood cells. These cells are responsible for fighting off disease and infection. Her lungs develop branches this week, and her inner ear is completely developed. In fact, she has basic control over all of her senses: hearing, touch, taste, smell, and vision! 

This week in the life of baby girl.....(25 Weeks)
Just in time for football season, baby girl is about the size of a football! As she gains weight, her skin begins to become less wrinkled and she begins to look more, and more like a newborn. Also, her skin is finally gaining some color. Her hands are fully developed by this week, fingerprints and all! And at 25 weeks, the structure of the spine is beginning to form (33 rings, 150 joints, and 1000 ligaments)!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Present in a Blue Box...and an owl! Thanks Aunt Patty and Uncle Pete

I am in the works of putting together a post about all the new goodies I've been receiving for baby girl (I'm on shoe overload from Grammy Kiki, so I need some time to take pictures of it all!). However, this one deserved its own post. 

This week was my Grandma Annie's 90th birthday celebration down the Jersey Shore. Grandma Annie will be baby girls great grandmother!All of my family, except my brother John who is away at Norwich and was greatly missed, was there to celebrate and honor the matriarch of the Flanagan family. It was wonderful to visit with everyone. 

At the end of our visit, my Aunt Patty and Uncle Pete gave Chris and I this gift for baby girl. I already knew I would love it because it came in my favorite color box! They got baby girl a porcelain Bunny Bank from Tiffany's! This is such a special gift that will be placed high up on a shelf in a safe place, but it is a great piece that she be able to have. 

The Tiffany's bunny bank was such a special gift, but it came with an OWL! Patty and Pete also gave us an Izzy Owl from National Wildlife Kids for baby girl. I cut it off in the picture, but the owl is wearing flight goggles, which is a perfect tribute to Chris, who flew on KC 130s in the Marine Corps. 

Thank you AP & UP!

Here are some pictures from our visit:

Baby girl will be joining a big family! Meet the Flanagan (Roper, Rochon, & Stefaneli) family. Sorry for the blurry photo!
I am in the front, next to great grand daughter #1 Nora, who has asked that we name baby girl "Sparkles". Chris is in the back, with great grand son #1 Griffin on his shoulders. We had so much fun with everyone, but especially the twins, who gave us a glimpse into parenthood! 

Here is Grammy Kiki, Uncle Bobby and Grandma Annie, on the phone is Uncle John, who got special permission from his Cadres at Norwich University to call Grandma on her 90th birthday!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

23 Week Update

23 Weeks! Only 113 more days to go :)

How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain: +7 pounds
Maternity clothes? Wearing some jeans, but still in my regular clothes

Stretch marks? none yet
Sleep: yes yes yes!
Best moment this week: being able to feel baby girl kick
Miss Anything? deli meat, I'd love an italian sub or turkey club sandwichMovement: starting to get stronger and feel lots more of it
Food cravings: Citrus/oranges/fruit and sweets....still
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing (knock on wood!!)
Gender: Girl 
Labor Signs: None, still too early
Symptoms: still feeling really well, starting to feel some aches in my lower back
Belly Button in or out? in
Happy or Moody most of the time: For the most part happy, but I've been having my moments recently
Looking forward to: starting to get the nursery put together!

This week in the life of baby girl.....
Baby is the size of a grapefruit! She weighs just about 1 pound now, and will keep growing! She can hear my voice and heartbeat, and her hearing is becoming stronger, so she can even hear Brew barking!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Second Tri-mester Favorites

I know I did this post before, but I felt the need to update it.
 I still stand by my favorite products, I use Mama Mio every day, at least once a day. As I have gotten further along in my pregnancy, I realized some things should be added to the list.

Ben and Jerry's Frozen Greek Yogurt: HEAVEN. I kid you not, this is better than eating a whole pint of half baked...and its better for you. I have been craving sweets, and as much as I would like to sit down with a whole pint of half baked, I just won't do it. Throughout this pregnancy I've been trying to remain really healthy, and this is the perfect fix for my 'healthy' sweet tooth. My favorite flavor is Rasberry Fudge Chunk, its the only one I've tried but I'm very content with it so its a keeper.

Welch's Fruit Juice Bars: These are great for my sweet tooth and fruit tooth, plus who doesn't love frozen treats in the summer! I get the 0 sugar added ones. 

Nantucket Nectars: These satisfy my weird craving for fruit and citrus flavors. I've been stopping at the store to buy some on my way to work, but recently starting mixing my own. Normally I keep it simple with Orange juice and Pineapple juice in a to-go cup (see my 16 week favorites) This is cheaper and the homemade version has less sugar. 

Maxi Dresses: These are a pregnant lady's dream come true in the summer time. I throw one on to go to work, I throw one on to run errands, I throw one on to go out to couldn't be more perfect. They are super comfortable (and stretchy!!) and I don't have to go through the struggle of putting an outfit together in the morning. I've found most of mine at TJ Maxx or Marshalls, with a few from Ann Taylor Loft, but Old Navy and Target have super cute and inexpensive ones too. 

Maternity Jeans: When Chris and I found out I was pregnant I swore up and down I would never wear maternity clothes. 'I'm 22 and they are for old frumpy moms' I think were my exact words. Whelp I take back everything I said about maternity clothes. I can still fit into all my normal clothes, and I have not invested in a maternity wardrobe. Lucky for me I am planning on wearing leggings and sweaters all winter, and most of what I have will fit my growing belly. However, these jeans are so comfortable I am going to wear them even when I'm not pregnant. These jeans on Thanksgiving, or any holiday for that matter, life couldn't be better. So many moms warned me against getting skinny jeans while I was pregnant because they make you look bigger, but I haven't noticed and I'm certainly not about to rock the flare jeans. I have two pairs from Destination Maternity, they are Pea in the Pod which are normally expensive but I got them on sale, at the outlet, with a they were in my price range. None the less they are super comfortable, I just keep feeling like I forgot to zip my fly and am constantly checking. 

Body Pillow: Lately I have been having some pain in my lower back, so I've started sleeping with a pillow between my knees and its really helped. I've also heard that it helps with sleeping later on in pregnancy. 

Starbucks Shaken Iced Tea Lemonade: Shocking that 4 out of 7 of my new favorite things are related to food. These are yummy, sweet and fruity, which is everything I love right now....and they are decaf!! My doctor is pretty lenient about his caffeine policy, but I've been trying to cut back, so these are perfect!

A Family Day-cation

What a crazy summer it has been, and its basically over!! Chris and I only made it camping once, and up to the beach house once as well. We were talking yesterday about how bummed we were since we talked about how much we wanted to do this summer, somehow time got away from us!

Yesterday we decided to take a "day-cation" to York Beach, Maine. 

We walked up around the light house, took Brew to the beach, and just relaxed by the ocean all day. Brew absolutely loves the beach, we walked up and down the entire length (a mile and a half) and back (total 3 miles) as he chased a tennis ball into the waves. 

My grandparents have a summer cottage and spend all their time during the summer there. I have been going there since before I can remember, and have the greatest memories of the summers there. I cannot wait to bring baby girl up next summer! Its crazy to think that this time next year we will be walking up and down the beach with her! 

The cottage is pretty small, but the "million dollar view" as Amah (my grandmother) calls it, cannot be beat. In front of the house there is a huge yard, which goes down onto some rocks, then the ocean...nothing gets better than that!! Amah told Chris and I stories of how she would stick us in play pens in the front yard and we could just spend the whole day out there. Looks like next summer we will be taking a lot more family vacations! 

22 Week Update

22 weeks....are we there yet?!
(I know, I know, waaaay too soon to be asking this question...but seriously?)
Only 122 more days to go

baby girl is now the size of a papaya!

She certainly is growing, everyday I feel like my belly is getting bigger and bigger!
The one positive thing about this stage in my pregnancy is that I actually look pregnant, not just fat. This may seem silly, but when you are a crazy pregnant lady this is one of the best things that can happen. You can tell there is a baby in there, not just a whole Chipolte burrito. 

How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain: not exactly sure, I plan on checking with the doctor today

Maternity clothes? I have some, but can still fit into my regular clothes, and summer dresses make this much easier!
Stretch marks? none yet
Sleep: love it, and need more of it!
Best moment this week: now that baby girls movements are much stronger, Chris can feel them too, its such an awesome experience.
Miss Anything? sushi, I would love a volcano roll and scorpian bowl from Shanghai
Movement: starting to get stronger and feel more of it
Food cravings: Citrus/oranges/fruit and sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing (knock on wood!!)
Gender: Girl 
Labor Signs: None, still too early
Symptoms: still feeling really well, starting to feel some aches in my lower back
Belly Button in or out? in
Happy or Moody most of the time: For the most part happy, but I've been having my moments recently
Looking forward to: Meeting with the doctor today, I will get to hear the heartbeat again, which I love!

This week in the life of baby girl.....
Baby is the size of a papaya. She is starting to sleep in cycles of 12-14 hours. She is much more active at night time, right around 9:00 I can really start feeling her kicking around. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Newest Addition to the Nursery

NEW/TWO/Polyfil Stuffed little owl pillows decoration/collection - Ready to ship

I know I have the best friends because they have the best taste. Another one of my best college girls, Jordan, sent me the link to this on Esty. Holy Owls. Obviously I ordered these because they are TOO CUTE, but there were so many other cute ones too! I'm glad I ordered these before I looked around because baby girl would end up with 28 owl pillows.

Since the bedding we have chosen is very plain, these are the perfect pop of color and patterns for the nursery! And, I don't even have to mention...owls!!!
These would be great with pale yellow walls (which I have been debating over) or the white, since they will bring in lots of color 

I think these would be so cute put up on a shelf as decorations in the nursery. Add some picture frames like these from Target over the changing table or dresser and this would be so cute!! Maybe even have wooden letters spelling out her name? Michael's has them, you would just need to add a coat of paint, or a solid fabric that would compliment the colors of the owls and the room. 

RIBBA Frame IKEA The mat enhances the picture and makes framing easy. PH-neutral mat; will not discolor the picture.       

Target Home Shelving Unit White 1 Number Of Shelves

So many ideas, I cannot wait to get started putting her nursery together! 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Nursery Inspiration

I have been really excited to do this post. I have had so much fun looking at different nurseries and ideas on pinterest, I am so excited to get started on baby girls room!! We still have not decided if we are going to paint, the more I look at it the harsher the white seems, even if it is a simple off-white. We have a pale yellow and grayish-blue which we bought when we moved into the apartment, in hopes of painting the second bedroom and the kitchen, which are both still white. Those are also options for the bedroom as well. 

Love the pink ceiling and beige walls.

Pink! Who would have thought I liked this. I like the neutral colors with the pink decorations, its the perfect combination of girly and neutral. 

small room nursery

Again, I love the neutral with pink accents! I spy an owl in the corner.....


I love the white and brightness from this nursery. This is the bedding I envisioned for baby girl, which I have picked out and will be sharing soon! Some splashes of color would need to be added, maybe in paint or a blanket over the chair. 

I love the name above the crib and the simplicity of the nursery. I spy an owl in the crib....
 I will definitely have her name above the crib, but that may be one of the more girly aspects of her bedroom.  

A Present for Grammy Kiki

My cousin had found this for my mom..."Grandma's Sippy"
So cute and perfect for my mom, who loves her chardonnay! 
My next question is when does Mommy get her sippy?!

Baby Diva

Grammy Kiki (my mom) calls baby girl "baby diva" and what a diva she is. Chris and I have yet to buy a single item for baby, besides a book, and she is already getting spoiled rotten by our friends and family. I love it! Baby girl clothes are sooo adorable!! If her closet is starting to fill up with just our friends and family buying cute outfits, I can only imagine what will happen once I make my way into Baby Gap. 

Here is a onesie from Angie, one of my best friends from college. Not only will baby girl go to Angie's when she is mis-behaving to get her butt kicked (do not mess with Angie), but she will go to Angie's cheerleading boot camp to be a baby diva cheer star. I know, I' having way to much fun with this. She can play hockey if she wants, too. 
How adorable?! And, OWLS! Love Love Love!!! These are from BabyGap

God love Grammy Kiki. She buys a new pair of shoes every time she sees baby girl, aka, me. Grammy Kiki came to visit me at work and we went out to lunch last Wednesday, here is a picture of the newest pair. I will have to upload more pictures of all the other shoes. These really are baby diva shoes!

 I can already picture the outfit these will go with! Also from Grammy Kiki is a denim button up shirt. The leggings are from BabyGap as well, I don't own them, but I will shortly. How cute with the little bows?!! 

Below is one from J.Crew Crew Cuts, I couldn't find a picture of the one I have, but it is identical, just from the BabyGap:

Girls' classic point-collar shirt          

A red onesie would also go great for a Valentines Day outfit. Ok, I am getting completely carried away, reel it in momma!

21 Week Update

21 Weeks! 

Another week down, and what feels like an eternity left to go! I am starting to experience more pregnancy symptoms. I thought I made it past the point of complete exhaustion, but it seems like lately my bed time is 7:30pm. I am also starting to feel a little bit more achy. Remedies??? I have starting sleeping with a pillow in between my knees and that has been helping. I think it must be a sign to start really getting into yoga, which means more than once a week, and doing a lot more stretches. The stretches help, but I think its time to be more proactive. 

Baby girl is doing back flips, she has clearly inherited her momma's cheerleading obsession early. Watch out Friars, you have another cheerleader coming your way! At first feeling the movement scared me, in an 'I didn't expect this' way, but its such a neat feeling to know shes moving around in there. Every time I feel her moving I call Chris over, most of the time he can't feel her, she is still pretty small, but he has been able to feel the good ones! 

Cravings! No offense to any pregnant women out there, but I always thought cravings were somewhat silly. Welp, not anymore. I have been craving citrus/oranges. I always love fruit but I have been craving it more lately. Oranges, orange juice, orange ice pops, orange sherbet. You name it I love it. 
I have also been craving sweets, most specifically chocolate ice cream or red velvet cupcakes. I try  really hard, but am always tempted to indulge in a pint of Ben and Jerry's (I haven't by the way, see my updated favorites post) I've realized that is a pretty common factor among many mommas, lots of chocolate!!! 

How far along? 21 Weeks

Total weight gain: don't actually know, but it is something I plan on asking my doctor next week!
Maternity clothes? I have some, but can still fit into my regular clothes
Stretch marks? none yet
Sleep: love it, and need more of it!
Best moment this week: feeling more movement from baby girl! a nice reminder that she's in there growing
Miss Anything? When I think about it I could make a list, margaritas being at the top..but I'd say its a fair trade...No margaritas for a beautiful baby girl
Movement: starting to get stronger and feel more of it
Food cravings: Citrus/oranges/fruit and sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing (knock on wood!!)
Gender: Girl 
Labor Signs: None, still too early
Symptoms: still feeling really well, starting to feel some aches in my lower back
Belly Button in or out? in
Happy or Moody most of the time: For the most part happy, but I've been having my moments recently
Looking forward to: Meeting with the doctor next week to schedule a prenatal class, hospital visit and parenting classes. The best part of the doctors appointments is hearing baby girl's heartbeat...never fails to put a huge smile on our faces. Also to start the nursery

This week in the life of baby girl....
baby girl is the size of a pomegranate! The average baby around this time is 10.5 inches and 12.7 ounces. Her digestive system is continuing to develop a lot at this point. Hair is also starting to grow, but chances are with this baby she won't have much (I had peach fuzz hair and was practically bald until the age of 2) but lets hope what she does have is curls!!! She is sleeping in cycles of 12-14 hours a day. 

Baby Registry...A SUCCESS

After a very traumatic experience at Baby's R Us, which ended in a bad mood not even a Chipolte burrito could fix, I never wanted to return. However, thanks to my fabulous cousin, neighbor and mama to be I successfully tackled baby girls registry. It is nice to have heard from a lot of other people what an overwhelming process this was, and I wasn't just being a crazy pregnant lady (well not 100% anyway). 

Last Saturday we set out to once again try to register for the baby. First stop, Starbucks. Second stop, manicures and pedicures. After that we were in the zone and ready to do work. Having another mom there who had gone through the process before was a wise decision (possible business idea anyone?? you could make a fortune, I would pay quite a lot for it) First we tackled the big stuff, car seat, stroller, travel system, etc. I love baby stuff, but when it came down to it, I did not want "baby gear" once again, Chris and I wanted neutral. We went with this Chicco travel set, which had great reviews from Lucie's List and was one of the top safety ranked systems. 

**Bonus: The Pack 'n Play has an owl mobile!! Even bigger bonus, and a shock, Chris and I instantly agreed on it. This is a sign that its the perfect set, because with our opposite taste that almost never happens!

After tackling the big stuff like this, it was fun to pick out smaller things, like a play mat and a swing, some of them are absolutely adorable!!!  We stopped by Babies R Us again this weekend to pick up some gifts for my cousins baby shower, adding a few more things to the registry and taking some things off (pink leopard print swaddle blankets which daddy hated). Picking all baby girls gear out has made me even more anxious for her arrival! I cannot wait to snuggle her all day long, but I know I have quite a ways to go! 

I have been doing some research and talking to other moms (new and old) and have discovered some "baby essentials" which make life so much easier. Here are some 'must haves' for the baby registry:
Boppy Pillow
Swing/Bouncy Seat
Baby K'Tan/Baby Bijorn 
Tummy Time Mat
Noise Machine

Friday, August 3, 2012


I can almost guarantee there will be roughly 12 more updates about baby girls nursery before she joins us. It is something I am probably going to have the most fun with and look forward to doing more than anything (shopping for adorable baby girl dresses is a close second). 

Again, to make my point clear, I am staying as far away from a theme nursery as possible. Owl accents are perfect, but I do not want pink and purple owl bedding which is displayed in so many stores it makes my eyes hurt (no offense to anyone who has them, they are adorable, just not my taste for baby girl). Since Chris has Brew as his only male companion, we are keeping the girly-ness to a minimum. Light pinks and tans, maybe a soft yellow is the color scheme we are going with. 

Here is a picture of the furniture we picked out: 

The furniture is from a Babies R Us collection. What was great about the bed is that it turns into a 'toddler bed' and/or a full size bed as well. These are great pieces that baby girl will be able to grow into as she gets older. Looks like she won't have to share Brew's dog bed after all! Honestly, the bedding isn't that bad, but it is too girly for our taste, when we mean neutral, we mean very plain. 

Here are some owl accents we have gotten: 

The owl pillow on the left is from Susan Graver and was shown on QVC . My Grandma Annie (soon to be a great-grandma again!)  LOVES the QVC Network, and this was a great find! It will be perfect for the chair I am thinking of for baby girls nursery. We have a great nook with lots of light and I think it would just be the perfect place for a rocking chair. 

The owl mat on the right will be perfect for tummy time and hanging out in the living room while the Bruins are on, its like baby girl has her own dog bed! Its from Casa and was bought by one of my best girls from college, Diana. I am going to enlist her help in the near future for making some bows to go on head bands and hats for baby girl, she is the QUEEN of bows so she is the perfect one to help. 

We are going to use some nice framed photos to decorate baby girls nursery as well. Here is one photo I found from Etsy which I am absolutely ordering to hang up. How adorable?! I'm sure I could make something very similar on my own, but I just love this print so much, and you must give credit where credit is due, this girl did such a great job making it!